Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Rebecca's Executive Decision

In Rebecca's Executive Decision blog, Rebecca commented on an article about a woman baking cakes to save her house and life.

This woman, Angela Logan, is in desperate need of some quick cash in order to pay her mortgage to become eligible for President Obama’s Making Home Affordable plan, an opportunity to lower her monthly payment by one thousand dollars.

I completely agree with Rebecca's take on this subject. Though the story may hit close to home for a lot of us who are also going through financially difficult times, Rebecca turns this story around, from the issue of what one will do to keep their life, to the issue of what one won’t do.

Millions of people have suffered, or at least rearranged their lifestyles, all thanks to this economic crisis. Jobs have been lost nationwide, budgets have been tightened, people have stopped going out to eat quite as much, and those cute outfits have stayed in store windows just a little bit longer. This woman, Ms. Logan, though willing to do honest work for her money, has kept her lifestyle, while wiping out two family members' savings accounts. Why Logan didn't moved to a home with a lower mortgage is beyond me, but Rebecca does an excellent job in putting the situation in perspective: "[People] want and want and would rather go into debt then own up to the fact that they are no longer in a situation to be living the way they are accustomed to."

In my opinion, Rebecca, you are not too cynical in the least.

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