Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Multitasking: The American Way

I came across an article that was talking about the dangers of texting while driving. As we have all heard, this habit is not just common among the younger generations anymore, growing in popularity amongst the average working class.

Americans have become increasingly known to excel in multitasking, but when is enough finally enough? Not only do we listen to music and drive, but you can drive down the street on a daily basis and see that a typical driver has added eating, putting on makeup, talking on the phone, and even reading the newspaper in morning traffic.

This article discusses the Senate's proposal to make texting and driving illegal. This law is already under way in 14 states, and New York legislature recently sent a measure to the governor for a signature. The federal government is becoming more and more involved. As it did in 1984 with changing the legal drinking age, Congress is considering withholding federal highway funds until this idea becomes law in each state.

The way this article was written did an excellent job in grabbing your attention. Pointing out that texting while driving increases the risk of an accident by 8 times, while talking on the phone and even having a .08 alcohol level only increase the risk by 4 times, can definitely be assumed as a rude awakening to some. By way of cold, hard facts presented along a possible solution, there is no room for ifs, ands or buts amongst the idea that texting and driving should be banned.

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